It's the one game a year that I actually watch from beginning to end. Honestly, I could care less who wins, I'm just there for the commercials and the food! This year, I would have rather been doing homework. Yup...I just admitted that I would have rather done homework. That's bad. Just like the commercials. There was something about this season's commercials that just didn't click. THEY WERE BORING!!! As a communications major, I tend to look at things with a different eye. I found myself thinking how cool it would be to see the broadcast set-up that Fox had as well as the dozens of other broadcasters that were there. Did you know that SiriusXM was broadcasting that game in Hungarian? I wonder if they were as bored as we were here in the states... The Seahawks and the Broncos. It was supposed to be a good match-up but instead, the Bronco's forgot to get on the plane and I'm pretty sure they stayed in Denver. Where were they? I don't know much about football but even I could tell that they were NOT playing their best game. At least we could stare at Manning all night...that was nice. Just like the game, the commercials didn't show up for their big debut either. A super bowl commercial is supposed to leave people talking by the water cooler the next morning in the office. They are supposed to blow up social media as soon as they air. Instead, they fell flat. I can count on one hand the commercials that stuck out in my mind following the game. Less than 5. For a 4-hour game. Budweiser seemed to be the only regular spot that showed up to play this season. Both their "Puppy Love" and "Hero's Welcome" spots stuck out and left me wanting more. How can you NOT love a commercial with a puppy, come Clydesdales, and a really cute farmer?! They stepped it up with the military commercial, those get my tearing up every time. Great job, Budweiser! Another commercial that stuck out was the one by Coca-Cola. "America the Beautiful" showed us that American's don't all have to speak English, we come in all shapes, sizes, races and religions. It definitely stuck out amongst the others and one I hope to see on my TV screen for months to come. Did you catch the Full House reunion commercial? Between this and their Jimmy Fallon reunion, I swear they are just teasing us with an even bigger full cast reunion in the future. I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!! Anyway, if you missed it, here is the Dannon Oikos commercial. These commercials are always good because they feature the super sexy John Stamos but now that you throw in the other men of "Full House," you really can't go wrong. There was one more commercial that I really enjoyed and if you were one of those that couldn't stick it out until the very end, you missed it. It was one of the very last Super Bowl commercials aired and as they say, they saved the best for last. This one has to make Junior Nation smile because "Dale Call" was a hit. Five commercials. There really weren't many others that stuck out. There seemed to be more local spots and movie/TV previews than ever before. All in all, the Super Bowl was a big disappointment this year, unless you are a Seahawks fan of course.
Now that football season is over, there is only one thing left to say... is it NASCAR season yet?
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In one of my classes not to long ago, we were asked to think of three things that would be on our bucket list that we wanted to accomplish before we graduated college. Surprisingly, it was harder than I thought it would be. After doing this assignment, although it wasn't graded, I decided it might be fun to create a bucket list that I would try to accomplish in my life. Well, it turns out, most of the items on my bucket list center around my career goals and aspirations. Shocking, right? As I wrote my list down, I felt the need to share it. I want to be held accountable for each one of these items on my list and I want to accomplish them all sometime in my life. So, I'm putting it out there for all to see. Here it goes! My Bucket List: Created November 2013
So, there you have it. My bucket list. I'll continue to add to it as the time goes on but I really home to accomplish these things sometime in my life.
What are some items on your bucket list? Comment below and let me know! Katie ![]() It really is amazing to think how much someones life can change in such a short amount of time. Laying in bed last night, I was just thinking. The cable in our dorm building is currently not working so there was really nothing else to do because really, who does homework these days?! Anyway, I was just thinking back to my life before college. I've been out of high school for three years now and the person I've become is only slightly similar to that 18 year old who received her diploma in May of 2011. If you would have asked me that day where I saw myself in 5 years, I would have said something along the lines of "still in school". I started college as a psychology major hoping to work with athletes or children. That focus quickly shifted after taking my first general psych class in college and I realized that that profession was NOT for me. I had no backup plan. No inkling of what it is I wanted to pursue besides psychology. In the middle of all of this, I stumbled into the world of NASCAR. I had always been familiar with the racing industry as in, I could tell you who Dale Earnhardt and Danica Patrick was. That was the extent of it. I discovered my love for this sport in an unusual way but I won't get into the details of that (you can read about it here). Watching that first race on TV changed my life. Not immediately, but it started a chain of events that eventually led me to where I am today. I became intrigued with what was going on out on the track during a race. I could tell it was much more than just turning left hundreds of time, over and over and over again. There was a science, if you would call it, behind the car and the team and the driver. I had to know more and I spent the off season between 2011 and 2012 doing just that. Between learning about NASCAR, I was also learning a lot about myself. I took a variety of classes my freshman year ranging from political science and math to religion and biology just trying to find the place where I fit in. I soon found myself in the midst of the Mass Communications department and it started a new chain of events that would eventually and unexpectedly mesh into my new-found world of motorsports. Fast forward to mid-season 2012. My first full season as a fan of this sport, I was learning everything I possibly could about this sport that I had come to love so much. I started hinting to my parents that I wanted to visit Kansas Speedway for their October race and after enough nagging and begging, they said yes. I attended my first race and it proved to me what I already knew; this was going to be my future home. During all of this, I was in the middle of my first semester as a mass communications major and being at the track, watching the professionals in the industry work right in front of me, made me think of something. I take my future profession, combine it with this amazing sport, and make a career out of it. That was it. THAT was my future; my ultimate goal. I have always had a thing for writing. I am one of those weird kids who looks forward to long research papers. I saw that an online motorsports site was looking for contributing writers and I decided to give it a try. November 8, 2012 is when my very first article was published on Titled "Danica's Rock Star Weekend," I covered her appearance at Texas Motor Speedway with the "Speed 2 Read" awards. After that article, and many others, I picked up a few more sites. Speedway Digest, Motor Racing Digest and Sicknissified all let me join their staff as a motorsports writer and my focus turned solely on my future career in the industry. It's been just over a year since I publish my first article and as the 2013 NASCAR season comes to a close, it will mark just my second year as a fan of this sport. I've had so many amazing experiences and have been introduced to so many amazing people in this sport that naming them all would take an eternity. Being able to be at Kansas Speedway this season as a member of the media was the highlight of this entire experience, so far. I can't believe how much my life and future has changed in just the last year that it almost makes my head hurt just to think about it. I want to thank each and every one of you reading this for believing in me and what I do because without you, I wouldn't be here. Motorsport fans, and NASCAR fans especially, are one of a kind. YOU are one of the main reasons I want to call this industry my home. Thank you. I can't wait to see where this next year leads. Stay tuned :) Katie Once again, I join forces with good friend and fellow racing guru Kristina Majors to bring you our own version of lap-by-lap coverage of Martinsville! Enjoy :)
PRE_RACE: KM: Keelan and Jimmie’s daughter Genevieve are getting so big! KM: The future of NASCAR is so bright with all of the children growing up in the sport! I love it! The babies just keep coming this year:) KM: I love Ricky’s car this weekend! He wears the pink well also:) KC: yes!!! KC: Tony Stewart is on Danica’s radio…. Little Sister :) and WE ARE OFF… KC: “We passed about 130 cars here last time, 30 should be no big deal." Love Brandon! KM: He is PERFECT for the job! I felt honored to finally get to meet him! Just so funny to talk to him in person and then hear him on the radio! KC: yes! I was glad I got to meet him. And Jay too! IN REFERENCE TO THE NEW SPRINT COMMERCIAL: KM: Clint in the nursing home is priceless, but Kim Coon is to precious! Love that commercial! KC: Gah! Ricky with damage :( KM: Thats what I was just looking at, not a good start for the day but I know he can recover no problem! KC: Sounds like there is a lot of nasty on the track… might take a while to clean up. KM: Yes, hate seeing Ricky being an innocent victim to someone else's crap! KC: SHR tweeted: "The combination of oil and speedy dry on the track will make for an interesting restart." - Captain Obvious KM: It was so fitting for the moment:) KC: RESTART: Lap 20 And Johnson with the early lead. Taking off! KM: Looks like we will have to watch Busch today, he seems a bit antsy! KC: Im wondering when Keselowski will retaliate after the Kansas incident..could be today. KM: Hmmm he is very smart & sly… KM: LOVE Newman’s car this week:) KC: And Almirola’s! No.41! KM: Yes it has a lot of history behind it KM: I’ll be okay if it is a Kenseth/Johnson battle all day KC: Me too. This is a good Champ battle for the two of them. Very respected guys! KM: Yes & it is so much fun with them being so close in points! KM: Lap 47: Gordon passes Busch for third KM; It is not a good day on the Ricky Radio KC: Lapping cars already. Need some yellows! KM: Wheel Hopping reminds me of Watkins Glenn I hope I get to return to that beauty in 2014! KC: I would LOVE to see that track! KC: Going to be very few cars on the lead lap today. KM: I don’t like it when Martinsville plays out like that:( KC: Multiple lead changes too. Johnson, Busch, Kenseth KM: These cialis commercials are too much with a side note, see our ad in Golf Digest…. KC: Awkward commercials… haha KC: Johnson will have his hands full with Kenseth today. Won’t be an easy race for him. Kenseth is strong today. KM: All this lap traffic makes it difficult to...whoever wins today will have had a heck of a fight to victory lane KC: 75 laps down and only 1 caution. Pit stops should be coming shortly. KM: Pit stops will definitely shake things up a bit, I am excited to see how strategies play out today KC: Yes! Pit road will definitely be a factor today. KC: Looking for a strong run by Elliott Sadler today. Glad he is getting a chance in some Cup races. Sad it had to come at the expense of Vickers though. KM: yes but we can’t always plan for the unthinkable, I am just glad they put a respectable guy in his place! KC: Definitely! Sadler is a great guy and a great driver. Deserves a chance at getting some Cup experience. KM: I really dislike it when drivers start going a lap down at this track… KM: Lap 88: Montoya hanging on to 5th position, it is going to be different without him on the track next year, but I think he will soar back in Indy car! KC: CAUTION! Lap 89; Kvapil spins. Thanks to Edwards again. KM: I don’t think Kvapil’s car can handle much more of that today! KC: Only 24 cars on the lead lap. KM: Listening in on Ricky’s radio, he said the car feels like it did here in the spring! Hoping they can turn this day around, get the water temps down and gain some ground. When we get commercials in the middle of pit stops it really irritates me:( KC: I hate commercials…. KM: Big brother on the radio, I am loving it! Lots of support for Danica today! Not far from the LUCKY dog spot, I believe we can do this, it always starts out rocky here but with 400 laps to go no worries between the team and D, I feel we will have a strong finish! KC: I do too! She knows how to drive this track but track position is so important! Lots of racing left to go. KM: Lap 100 : Bowyer & Hamlin making their way into the mix running 5&6! KC: Junior gaining ground too! KC: Its going to be an awkward and uncomfortable 4+ weeks at RCR for Harvick. KM: Yes but he will make the BEST of it with SHR in the windshield :) Sights set down the road for next year! KM: Lap 108: Ricky states he thinks the 51 is about to blow up KM: Lap 111: The battle is still on, top two chase contenders still battling it out! KM: Random but I can’t wait to see SMOKE back on the track! KC: me too! not the same without tony. KM: Top 13 lap times for D, I think she is digging her way back! KM: Johnson leading. Gordon has a really strong car. KM: Poor Stenhouse Jr very discouraged on the radio, states he can’t keep up with anybody:( KC: Already 2 laps down. Not looking like a good day for him. Still a lot of racing left. KM: Bowyer is creeping back up to the from settling in 5th on lap 129 KM: Looks like your Johnson shirt is bringing some luck today, is it because you grew your chase beard? KC: ....Yeah…. I forgot to shave this morning. Whoops :) KM: I guess a little 5’0 clock shadow is still lucky KM: I commend these drivers for staying out & staying focused when they are 2+ laps in with 350+ laps of racing left, I just don’t know if I could stay out knowing I wasn’t going to get the finish I wanted. But then again I guess I would be happy to finish in one piece! Just seems mind boggling! A question I want to ask…. KC: It definitely has to be frustrating. KC: Caution Lap 140. Reutimann. Patrick was about to go another lap down. KM: Whew quick save for Patrick! Her and Johnson were side by side! KC: Pit stops again. Johnson comes out P1. KM: 23 cars pitting, Gibson trying to make the right decision to come or stay out...pressure is on! KM: Excitement pitting with a clear in & clear out so she should definitely be a quick in & quick out! KM: Pit Crews in Fruit of the Looms? hmmm can they do that one race? KM: BIG Brother has taught her so much & is all about continuing to teach her, such a great relationship! I love how much she has grown in knowledge of the car and tracks this year, which means next year will be even more exciting! KC: Lap 147: Restart. Logano into Kenseth on the restart. Johnson still leading with Gordon, Montoya behind. KM: 55 is the Lucky Dog right now…. KC: Pit road is very tight at this track. Not a lot of room for the cars to change in and out of their stalls. KM: It is neat to walk it when you are at the track and look at the minimal distance between them, how tight the stalls are! KM: Did you see the replay of Montoya coming off pit road? KC: Almost took out one of the officials KM: That was crazy tight….he didn't waste any time though KC: He is running strong today. KM: Chase contenders are tightening up as the laps tick by…. KM: Lap 163: Newman and Biffle 19 & 22, furthest back of contenders KC: Lap 167: Larson with some troubles. Blows up. KM: Stenhouse Jr was correct some laps ago when he said the 51 was about to blow! KM: Looking like a day of liquid flowing in all directions!! KC: These cautions are going to come in handy for those just 1 lap down. Only 24 cars on lead lap before caution. KM: 55 of Sadler was the LUCKY dog! KC: Here comes the all mighty pit strategy. KC: LOVING Junior’s paint scheme. So pretty! KM: The pink 88 makes it perfect! KC: Looks like the leaders are all pitting. Now would be a good time to take the wave around and get a lap back. KM: Looks like some a few laps down are staying out & some are coming in, strategies are confusing at this point can’t wait to see how they play out! KC: still a lot of racing left…good race so far! KC: On the restart: Burton did not pit. Will lead the field to green. Followed by Johnson, Earnhardt, Kenseth, Montoya KC: Hamlin, Kahne, Truex all with damage. KM: Poor Kahne got the bad end of that deal. They stacked up quick. Patrick got lucky,EYES of a always on his toes spotter, paid off:) KC: Have to feel bad for Hamlin. Had a strong car. This is just NOT his season. KM: No its not but Kahne stuck that car up good! KC: He ain’t goin’ nowhere. haha KC: Danica is one of 3 cars just 1 lap down. Mears is currently in the Lucky Dog position. Gilliland is right behind her. KC: Restart lap 192: Johnosn, Kenseth, Earnhardt, Montoya Gordon KC: Just a handful of races left in the NASCAR world for Montoya. Has never won on an oval. KC: Junior just moved McMurray out of the way! KM: It could happen today! I think he will return to NASCAR eventually if the cards are dealt in his favor! KC: Poor Kahne has had an awful Chase appearance. KC: CAUTION! Kurt Busch gets spin...hits Martin. KM: poor Martin he was hanging in there today! KM: Patrick had a valid point: “Why do these guys fight so hard when they are many laps down?” KM: Patrick didn’t feel as good about her run this time, hoping things turn around to put her back in a comfortable run! 4 tires and an adjustment, being 1 of 2 cars 1 lap down this could be a great strategy! KM: Gibson to Patrick: you should be in the LUCKY dog spot, YES YOU ARE… KC: Restart Lap 209: Not even halfway yet! KM: Lap 217: Kenseth to the lead followed by Johnson KC: CAUTION! 93 spins. Patrick is the Lucky Dog. KC: Restart Lap 224: Rough restart for Johnson. Losing a lot of spots. KC: Johnson, Busch, Logano all battling. Johnson lost a lot of spots on that restart. KC: CAUTION! Lap 229. Reutimann spins in the middle of the track. Cars scatter to miss it. Looks like Truex may have helped that unintentionally. KC: Johnson pits, Kenseth stays out. This just got interesting. Busch in as well. KM: Can I get the officIal job standing on the track with the stop & Go sign...did you see that KC: That would be fun! KC: Strategy talk on the 10 radio with Tony Stewart. KM: In search of clean air, pretty sweet running in the 14th position:) Love hearing him on the radio! KC: Restart Lap 235: Kesneth leads. Pit strategy different now. Going to be interesting to see how it plays out in the end. KM: Lap 237: Bowyer is pushing Kenseth pretty hard, he looks antsy to lead! hoping he can hang in there! KM: Lap 239: Bowyer to the lead KC: Despite the damage, Hamlin is having a pretty good race. KC: Lap 243: Kenseth losing ground after restarting P1. Bowyer still leading. KC: Halfway: Bowyer still in the lead. And now NASCAR goes NONSTOP! KM: Burton still hanging up front in the 4th position Lap:256 KC: Elliott Sadler having a good race in the No55! KC: Edwards and Montoya just went a lap down. Running P26 and P27. KC: Lap 282: New Leader… JEFF GORDON! KC: Lap 284: Reed Sorenson stopped on the track. Caution. KC: 24 cars on the lead lap. More than I thought there would be by this time. KC: Tony Stewart on Danica’s radio giving his little sister some tips on corner entry. Hate not having him on the track but he is definitely helping his drivers a lot by being cued in to their radios. KM: He definitely has some great tips today! Love it! KC: RESTART Lap 291: Gordon leads with Johnson, Bowyer, Ky Busch and Hamlin. KC: Caution: Debris in turn 1. Very few drivers hit pit road. Patrick, Kenseth and a handful of others. KC: RESTART Lap 303: Gordon, Johnson, Busch, Bowyer, Hamlin KC: CAUTION Lap 308: Cassill spins. His car is pretty sweet. LOVE the paint scheme! KC: Restart Lap 315: Gordon still the leader. KC: Busch and Johnson are fighting hard on this restart! KM: Tough break for Newman Lap:318 KM: Looks like Harvick got into him a bit KC: 12 cautions so far. Still 180 laps to go. KC: The more cautions in this race, the more money that Chevy donates to the National Breast Cancer Foundation. $200 for every lap under caution for Atlanta, Talladega and Martinsville! KM: Thats right, thats why I don’t mind seeing cautions at this point in time:) KC: As long as Danica gets through without incident :) KM: So far so good... KC: Restart Lap 325: Gordon still up front KC: CAUTION again: Truex spins. KC: Stewart telling his little sister that she is doing a good job today. I have to second that. KM: I will third that she is hanging in and hanging on:) KM: Stewart seems to be the LUCKY rabbits foot today! Love it she keeps hanging around 14! Only up from there. KM: Johnson restarting 20th on Lap:334 how do you think this will end up Katie? KC: Slightly worried about the No48. KC: Restart Lap 334: Gordon still up front. KC; Caution again: Debris KM: LOVE the coke zero commercial!!!! KC: Restart Lap 343: Hamlin leads despite being in a wreck earlier. KC: David Gilliland having a strong run. P11 on Lap 347. (DURING COMMERCIAL: I SEND KRISTINA A PICTURE OF MY POPCORN MACHING) KM: WOW when you say you are having some popcorn, you are having some serious popcorn. That is one LARGE popcorn machine! Did you steal it from the movie theatre? KC: I don’t take popcorn lightly :) LOVE IT! KM: Lap 351: Bowyer to the lead KM: 147 to go Patrick running 10th:) KC: Getting some TV love… well deserved! KM: No doubt & Gibson too KM: If we were on tires I think we would be shining in the top 5! KC: Johnson working his way up through the field. Needs to get back up front! KC: Caution Lap 365: Spinner in turn 4 KM: 30 of Whitt KM: Stewart: Nice job getting in the box D, that was a real good job! I just love his encouragement & the way he believes in Danica! KM: Stewart on the 10 radio is great encouragement with great words of wisdom! KC: Stewart has been a big help this weekend KC: RESTART: Lap 373: Sadler is the race leader after not pitting. KM: Biffle has a flapper again :) KC: Awkward…. KM: Is there a car on the track with NO damage at this point? A lot of cars have flappers:) KC: CAUTION: Lap 380. no.36 spins. Yeley KC: Tough break for Biffle. Lost a lot because he had to pit. KM: Yes it was...But it was dangerous to stay out as well, distraction for drivers KM: It is amazing how much Martinsville does look like a paper clip from an aerial view! KC: It looks really cool! KM: It is a really great track! I prefer it in person lol, but thanks for keeping me company today! KC: My pleasure :) KC: RESTART Lap 387: Kenseth leads. KM: 103 to go it looks like the 5-hour energy is hungry for some M&M’s...Go get them Bowyer KC: Running in the top-15 again in just her 2nd start at Martinsville… just thinking a few years ahead… this could be a possible track that Patrick could get a W at :) KM: Yes TOP 15 in the Spring, running Top 15 now, her talent & skill is definitely shining bright today! So proud of her & the whole team! The 10 team is definitely a perfect fit & can only get better with time:) KC: Under 100 laps to go! KM: I am tired of sitting, I am sure the drivers must be…. KM: More pep talk from Stewart about tightening entry on the 10...hoping to improve lap times! Sounds pretty genius to me! KC: Debris Lap 416 KM: Smoke giving entry pointers to D. Keep the door shut when they are tight on you, open the door when you have room! I think this is the best thing to happen this weekend, Stewart giving pointers KM: 80 laps to go, D to Gibson seems like nothing when your counting to 500:) KC: RESTART Lap 423; Kenseth leading. KC: ”D, keep in mind, everyone is going to be a little less friendly from here on out.” KC: With all of these cautions… there are still a lot of cars on the lead lap. KC: Can someone put me in a racecar? Or at least a kart? I wanna race! :) KM: I have thought about karting we used to have a track on the farm and race every weekend, I miss it:( But sure you are never to old to start and work your way up! Give it a shot! I back you! Crew Chief in training:) Seems like it would be fun! KC: Definitely! KM: I often think about how neat it would be to call racing your job! I go fast for a living:) KM: 50 to go: Who has your vote? KC: Kenseth… I had a feeling he would win this one. KM: Did the 83 finally retire? KC: I think so! KC: 40 laps to go. How many more cautions before this thing is over? KM: I say 3 :) and you? KC: I agree! KM: Alright serious recap here in full effect our laps are winding down...ONLY 3 races to go! We have three more weekends to have fun Katie! KC: I don’t want the off season! My weekend are boring then. haha KM: Traffic is in the dang way of Gordon & Kenseth...Gilliland fighting hard not to go a lap down... KC: Danica is losing spots slowly. Hopefully she can stay in the top 20! KC: Sitting at home leads to many unwanted distractions…. KC: Lap 483…. Gordon to the lead! KM: Lap 485: D in 17th, Lucky number 17 with 17 cautions today! KC: I think this may be the longest green flag run of the race. KM: I am calling Bowyer to WIN KC: Kenseth and Johnson are currently tied in the standings! KM: I love it when the chase is that close… KC: yes! Good battle :) KM: 5 to go… KC: Patrick gets passed at the stripe. No lead lap finish. P17 KC: 16 cars on the lead lap. KM: To bring a back up car to a top 20 is pretty sweet!!! KC: Gordon wins! Definitely deserved that… and had a pretty wicked burnout/drift! KC: That is one happy Jeff Gordon in Victory Lane! Glad he got the win! Thanks for joining us at Martinsville! Stay tuned, there is more great racing to come! When you think of Talladega Super Speedway, your mind automatically goes to the big wrecks and carnage. Even the popular movie (hence the title reference) ends with the top drivers wrecking and the racing on foot to the finish line. Unfortunately, it doesn't count. Carl Edwards tried that in Talladega nonetheless! (Jump to 2:00!) The final plate race of the season was run at Talladega and the only reference to the movie found during the race weekend was Kurt Busch's Wonder Bread sponsored car. For the eldest Busch Brother, this really isn't anything uncommon. He ran his ME paint scheme in 2012 when he drove the No.51. With no sponsor for the car, Busch put the famous paint scheme from the movie on his car, complete with the cougar in the back seat. With plenty of movie references over his in-car radio, Busch became Ricky Bobby and portrayed the character perfectly. Even driving backwards down pit road after spinning out! Check out his car and some of his in-car audio below! Busch wasn't the first NASCAR driver to race with an animal in his car. Tim Flock had a friend in his car when he raced back in the 40s and 50s. Jocko Flocko became the first monkey to ever win a NASCAR race when he accompanied Flock in his May 16, 1953 win. Just a few weeks later, the monkey cost him a win...long about it on Wikipedia :) Now, back to Kurt Busch! Busch helped Wonder Bread get back into the spotlight this last weekend when he ran the iconic paint scheme from the movie...well, it was close anyway. The paint scheme wasn't exactly meant to reference the movie, Busch had to convince his owner to let someone else sponsor the car, but having the Wonder Bread paint scheme on the car at Talladega was a way to bring in more media buzz. And that it did! Although the characters in the movie weren't references to actual drivers, many NASCAR drivers made cameo appearances in the movie! The most popular? Dale Earnhardt Jr! In rare fashion, NASCAR's most popular driver was the one asking for the autograph! Check out the clip below! Also, I've included a deleted scene in the garage with Junior as well! With plenty of references within the industry since Talladega Nights was released in 2006, it's easy to see that drivers and fans are still getting a kick out of the worst racing movie ever made. Don't look for the references to end any time soon and, if you are like me, you now expect a "Nights" themed car from Kurt Busch for at least one of the Talladega races each season for the rest of his career. So, now that you have had your fair share of clips from the movie, GO WATCH IT, because I already have. Twice!
Now, pardon me, I am about to get kicked out of Applebee's. Shake and Bake! Katie :) ![]() After my first experience at Kansas Speedway last year, I really thought it was going to be hard to top it. Boy, was I wrong. This time around, so many unexpected things happened that I am still not quite sure that it wasn't all an elusive dream. Not even a year ago, I tried my hand at writing about the sport I love. Since that very first article (which you can read here), my life has changed so much. Now, I am not only the leading editor for the site where I got my start, but I also write for four others, making it a total of five racing websites. That's not counting my own blog and website series! From multiple Huffington Post Live appearances and online radio interviews, I can't believe how much my life has changed in the last year. Trust me, this all ties in to the story! Anyway, back to Kansas! Going in to the race weekend, I knew I had a press pass thanks to one of the fabulous sites I write for, Speedway Digest. I wasn't exactly sure what to expect with a media pass but I was eager to find out! I spread my wings a little and set up a one-on-one interview with Nationwide Series driver Johanna Long. With this being my first interview with someone within the industry, I was slightly nervous for what was in store. Friday at noon, I walked up to the No.70 hauler and met her PR rep Cameron. We chatted for a few minutes as we waited for Long to finish up with a phone call. When she came out from the front of the hauler, it was go time! We are close in age, which made the conversation really comfortable and light. She was extremely sweet and I can't wait to talk to her again in the future. Check out my interview here! Beyond my interview with Johanna Long, I had nothing else planned for the weekend. I was just going to soak up the atmosphere of being at the race track. What I didn't realize is there were many adventures that were just waiting for me. At each racetrack, there is a building that is home to the driver press conferences and usually has a designated area for the members of the media to plug in and write/record/produce/do their thing. I was right in the middle of it all. Surrounded by writer that I have admired since starting my own writing adventures was extremely inspiring. Here I was, a college junior with little professional writing experience, rubbing elbows with the likes of Bob Pockrass, Nate Ryan, Claire B. Lang and many more! Friday was full of all things media. I camped out in the media center for most of the afternoon just taking in the atmosphere. I attended a few press conferences after qualifying but never got up the nerve to ask any questions. My partner in crime from Speedway Digest though, did end up asking some questions during press conferences later in the weekend! With the ARCA Championship race Friday night under the lights, it was a great way to wrap up my first day as an official member of the media. Saturday morning, I was chomping at the bit to get back to the track. I had nothing planned for the day but I was going to make the most of it. Little did I know what Saturday had in store. Back at the track, I dropped my stuff off in the media center, grabbed some breakfast (they were never short on good food and drinks...for free), and headed into the garage. Seeing the cars and the teams up close is incredible. Not many sports allow fans to basically touch the players and equipment like NASCAR fans get to. During my time in the garage and at the track, there were a few instances where people would come up to me and ask me if I was! NASCAR fans were recognizing me from my work and wanted to meet me! Knowing that I had written something that had caught someone's attention was unbelievable. Also on Saturday, I was able to meet with many of the people on Danica Patrick's crew. Her spotter, Brandon, was one of the first I met. Following her from her Nationwide Series crew, Brandon has been with Patrick for a few years and after talking with him, it was very easy to see that he has nothing but respect for his driver. Later that afternoon, I was finally able to meet up with Beth Gibson. One of the sweetest people I met all weekend, she gave me a tour of the GoDaddy hauler and a let me get a close look at the Pink GoDaddy No.10. It was really interesting to see Patrick's crew working on the car up close; those guys never stop! Back in the hauler, Beth introduced me to her husband Tony, Patrick's Crew Chief and also, Danica herself! Although I had met Danica the season prior, it's easy to forget just how tiny she really is! Everyone on the GoDaddy crew was exceptionally nice, especially to a media chick from Nebraska! Definitely one of the highlights of my weekend. The Nationwide race was an adventure in itself! The biggest excitement when Kyle Busch got into the back of Brad Keselowski and caused him to spin out and wreck. Keselowski, rightfully ticked, climbed out of his car in Turn 1 and proceeded to run across the infield grass, down pit road, behind pit wall, down to turn 4, and all the way to the infield care center. He basically sprinted a mile in total. Pretty impressive! Sunday, I was a little bummed. It was my last day at the track and I wasn't ready to leave. I only had one event planned that morning and after I was able to meet some more great people before heading to the grandstands. Meeting up with one of my editors from another site, Popular Speed, we went to meet the creator of the website, Mike Calinoff (he is the spotter for Ricky Stenhouse Jr)! My first adventure that morning was taking a pace car ride around the track! The pace car was driven by legendary driver Brett Bodine and after he got the car up to around 115mph, I have a new respect for those who go 180mph+ every weekend. The G-force is INSANE! The Sprint Cup Series race was definitely an eventful one. Unfortunately, Danica Patrick wrecked out very early in the race and sadly, she wasn't the only one. When the checkered flag finally flew, there had been 15 total caution flags during the 400 mile race. One caution flag was for a fire, in the bushes by the stands. The smoke was so thick that it was hard to see through! At the end of the weekend, I had one of the most memorable weekends of my life. I met so many amazing people beyond those named above including Darrell Waltrip, Richard Petty, PressDog, Stan Creekmore and many others! My time at the track made me realize that there is no where else that I would rather be. I can't wait to finally call the race track, and North Carolina, my home.
The final race before the Chase is set has always been an exciting one but never has a race produced so much controversy and social media carnage. Now, originally, this post was supposed to be about the happenings surrounding Michael Waltrip Racing and what fans thought about it and what should be done. Instead, NASCAR had to ruin that plan by announcing the penalties and fines last night, at a very odd time. But hey, just means I can add more, right?
I took to Facebook and Twitter to see what my followers and friends thought about all of the questionable moves made during the end of the Federated Auto Parts 400 and they didn't disappoint. Below are just some of the responses I received: Shane Fuller: Edwards got away with one, maybe Bowyer did also? Mike Hill: While we all pull for our favorite driver, I think most of us would like clear cut, understandable rules which are fairly enforced. Riley Reinke: NASCAR needs more clear cut rules, and I think Bowyer's spin was on purpose and there should be some penalty, just my opinion. Ryan Ostrander: The only thing that would support Bowyer's claim of Junior getting into the back of him would be an on-board camera on both cars. Michael: First of all, I believe the spin was deliberate and a direct order from the team to disrupt the race and keep Newman from winning the race. It is unfortunate that money and sponsorship has become more important than anything else in our sport. Michael Waltrip was only thinking about money and getting NAPA in the chase. Competition and sportsmanship come second. I am not surprised at all. Stephen Conley: Richmond was full of controversy, and controversy that will have an adverse affect on NASCAR. Missing two restarts on Saturday in the final few laps was bad, but it could be overlooked as a "close call" until they told Brian Scott they missed it. Then it gets worse as they go into Saturday and tell the drivers to play "fair and Square" and don't put us in a situation that we need to make it call as it will not benefit you. That right there says they are going to make the calls and gives fans hope the rules WILL be enforced. A completely blown restart that violated the rules they said would be enforced 6 hours prior puts NASCAR in a box of controversy and negative credibility. Then when they have a situation like Bowyer and they stand up and say he wouldn't do that because he wouldn't want to lose the points lead. A points lead that he would hold for 10 minutes until the checkered flag flew, then he would be 8th in points. Could that spin have backfired. Sure, Newman could have taken 2 tires and won, but it put everything in perfect line for MWR to put both cars in the chase as it was close enough at that time. Then NASCAR not saying ANYTHING to Brian Vickers running 70 mph over the final couple% Kev O: It's teams being teams as Michael Waltrip says, is racing! RD Fowler: I understand giving a teammate a position to gain points but the intentional spin-out to cause a caution was just plain wrong especially since it cost my driver a spot in the chase. Mike Rector: Carl Edwards clearly beat Paul Menard to the start/finish line. To me this is a black & white rule. NASCAR should of pulled the green flag & attempted the restart again. NASCAR should of warned Edwards of same. Do I think anything should happen to Edwards and my answer is NO!! I would like NASCAR to admit they made a mistake and that's it. Did Clint Bowyer spin on purpose to get Martin Truex into the chase? Heck yes I believe he did on team orders. Did Brian Vickers also pit unnecessarily? I don't know. Radio transmissions from both Bowyer & Vickers were suspicious to me. Both these events did help Truex into the chase. Should NASCAR do anything with MWR? My answer is NO but it is very shady on MWR's part. NASCAR should have a talk with MWR. and I don't think NASCAR could prove any of it any ways. Very grey area here. Adam Johnson: Folks, it ain't a conspiracy. There's plenty of evidence that condemns MWR, whole Twitter feeds of respected sports journalists (Geoffrey Miller, Jenna Fryer to name but two) who present clear as day evidence for what happened. So we can't just ignore it as angry Gordon/Newman fans or whatever (which as you know I'm not - my favorite drivers are Jeff Burton and Marcos Ambrose, who weren't even in Chase contention!). I am not naive, I am aware team orders happen and don't have a problem with them to a point (I've seen drivers help their teammate by letting them by or whatever in BTCC and other sports for years). However, trying to manipulate an entire race result so a rival beats another rival is a step too far, and effectively cons teams out of several million dollars of being in the Chase and the coverage that brings. I don't blame MWR. What they did was disgusting, but it's a product of NASCAR making the Chase everything. Everything is about the Chase now, if you're out of the Chase you effectively loose 10 races of coverage because no-one cares about you because you're not in the Chase. So NASCAR and TV have made the Chase the most important thing in the world - therefore, they can't be surprised when teams start pulling tricks like this. This is the endpoint. On an aside...Edwards did jump the final restart. The end. ~MWR did cheat, the evidence is there, but don't hate the players, hate the game. The opinions varied but the consensus is clear, MWR and their "team orders" directly affected the outcome of the Chase and who made it in. The media world exploded as soon as the first incident happened and hasn't slowed down since, which prompted NASCAR to review the race and in turn, issue some heavy penalties to MWR. In a press conference at 7:15pm EST Monday night, an unusual time for an announcement by NASCAR, NASCAR President Mike Helton and Vice-President Robin Pemberton handed down the following penalties to the organization. Michael Waltrip Racing was found to have violated Section 12-4 (Actions detrimental to stock car racing). The penalties handed down were as follows:
The penalties and fines, especially the $300,000, is one of the biggest NASCAR has ever given. The points penalties given to the three cars dropped Truex to 17th in points and thus, out of the Wild Card spot. Stewart-Haas Racing driver Ryan Newman, who originally lost the final WC spot to Truex in a tie-breaker, is now in the Chase. With the "ripple effect" in full force, Jeff Gordon seemed to get the short end of the stick in all of this. Missing the Chase by a single point to Joey Logano, none of the penalties affected the outcome of Gordon's status. Should he be added to the Chase? In my opinion, no. Gordon was in a slump this season and his results prove that. While the late race pit-stop by Vickers allowed Joey Logano to jump back in to the top-10 in points, his win would have qualified him for the Chase regardless. NASCAR fans were outraged that Gordon is still excluded from Chase and think that he should replace Bowyer, who also is winless this season. The only issue with that is, Bowyer locked himself in the Chase by running consistently throughout the entire season. He was high enough in the points going into Richmond that even if he would have crashed and finished dead least, he still would have been in the Chase. Although his actions on the track were frowned upon, he earned his place in the Chase and shouldn't lose that. In my opinion, NASCAR got the repercussions of the events half right. I agree with the penalties and fines, but kicking Truex out of the Chase purely because he benefited from his teammates actions doesn't seem fair. In all honesty, I don't think Truex knew about Bowyer's or Vickers' actions until after they were done, after he had made the Chase. He shouldn't have to pay for their mistakes. Likewise, leaving him in means Newman would still be out. Why not just extend the Chase to 14 drivers? Include four wild card spots and let Gordon and Newman in, and leave Truex in as well. Do we really know what the outcome would have been if Bowyer and Vickers wouldn't have gotten involved? We can assume and speculate all we want but if Bowyer hadn't of spun, who says someone else wouldn't have? Or who is saying a wreck wouldn't have happened before the checkered flag? Thinking about all of this, NASCAR did the best they could with the circumstances that they given. I for one wouldn't want to be in their shoes in making these decisions. With everything that happened in Richmond, we can only hope that something like this doesn't happen again. Team Orders have tarnished the reputations of multiple teams and organizations all across the motorsports industry. We don't need to have that reputation in NASCAR. IT'S BRISTOL BABY!!!! This is one of the races this season that I absolutely LOVE! Bristol itself is always full of drama and excitement but it's something about the night race that really gets the blood pumping. Who will get mad tonight? Who is going to throw the helmet since Stewart is MIA? WHAT WILL HAPPEN!?!?!? Well, we are about to find out :)
Pre-Race: Children of Military Parents are singing the National Anthem. This may be the best National Anthem ever. Heck of a fly-over! I have a headache...again. Kyle Busch is determined to do the Bristol Sweep...but he is starting 43rd. Junior needs a week in order to make the Chase. Plus a fan fell on his car and dented his bumper. Good luck maybe? Will the reigning Champ make the Chase? SO MANY QUESTIONS!!!! Danica gives a shoutout to her "big brother" on the radio. Miss you Tony! Tony Gibson tells her to "kick some ass" out there. Heck yeah girl!!!! GREEN: Hamlin leads the field to green with Kurt Busch beside him. Lap 4: 87 is already on pit road. SMOKIN' Lap 8: Earnhardt is already up to 10th after starting 19th. Lap 11: Keselowski and Johnson touch wheel-wells. Its Bristol Baby! Lap 16: Kyle Busch has to keep ahead of the leaders after starting last. Can't afford to go a lap down. Lap 26: I hate commercials. Lap 27: Kurt Busch took the lead sometime under commercial. Lap 28: Martin slips out of the groove and gets into the wall. Not too much damage. Lap 40: Ryan Truex, making his Cup debut, blows a tire and hits the wall. Kyle Busch was close to going a lap down. CAUTION: Many cars are taking advantage of the caution and hitting pit road. PIT ROAD: Keselowski and Reutimann collide on pit road as Keselowski pulled out of his box. Thanks to @Racecrazy for pointing this out... but BK hit the BK car. IRONIC! Lap 49: RESTART: Kurt Busch leads! 11 didn't pit under caution. Lap 59: Keselowski still running with the damage from the contact on pit road. Lap 63: Kyle Busch is up to 25th after starting 43rd. Lap 72: I need to make a pit stop of my own...but I don't want to miss anything! Lap 78: The 78 loses the lead. Slowing down. Problem? He hits pit road. Then gets a penalty. Lap 89: Carl Edwards, the leader, takes it 3 wide with lapped cars. Lap 90: CAUTION: Josh Wise into the wall. Little help from Kurt Busch? Pit Road: Who hits pit road? Almost everyone! Newman is first off picking up 6 spots. Lap 98: RESTART: Junior is your leader. He did not pit. Lap 105: Kyle Busch is up to 16th Lap 107: CAUTION: Kyle Busch and Joey Logano make contact and hit the wall. Danica Patrick hit something on the track and slapped the wall. PIT ROAD: Lots of drivers back on pit road for changes. Patrick hits pit road again to fix damage. Lap 114: Patrick comes of pit road still sparking as the leaders take the green. Lap 122: Yup....Junior still leads. Lap 125: Boywer to the lead! Lap 142: Bowyer still leading. Lap 166: GUESS WHO IS LEADING!!!! Yup...Still Bowyer. Lap 176: CAUTION: Bowyer gets turned from the lead. Labonte gets turned as well and spins into the side of the No.15. Pit Road: Most teams take 2 tires. Stenhouse and Hamlin only take 2. COMMERCIAL: The Napa Know How commercials always make me laugh! Labonte is behind the wall with damage. Bowyer is now running 26th after getting spun from the lead. Lap 186: RESTART: Carl Edwards is your race leader. Lap 195: Kasey how I love you :) Lap 197: Truex slips... barely misses the wall. Lap 199: Kvapil clips the wall... no caution. Lap 202: CAUTION: Don't know what for... It's a commercial break. CAUTION: Tony Raines in the 33 slows up top. Johnson gets a piece of it. Left front damage. Lap 209: RESTART: Edwards is your leader. Lap 213: We haven't seen any big wrecks yet. No thrown helmets. Still a little over half the race to go. HALFWAY! Commercial Break.... shocker. Lap 238: Kenseth takes the lead from Edwards as they try to get around Patrick. Lap 249: Kenseth and Edwards continue to battle around lap traffic. Lap 258: CAUTION: Debris. PIT ROAD: Hamlin tried to play a game and get on the top line... let Junior pass on pit road... then Kenseth got penalized. Hamlin on the bottom. Lap 266: Paul Menard and Kyle Busch lead the field to green. Lap 267: Kyle Busch started last and is now in second place. Lap 276: I am getting awkward snapchat faces from my friend... Lap 292: Commercial... and I'm 2 followers away from 1900 on Twitter. Lap 293: Johnson in trouble after contact with Kenseth. Still running. Lap 303: Paul Menard is still leading. Lap 306: I can't even see the No.40 car out on the's invisible! (Camo Car) Lap 314: Nicole Briscoe, I want your job. Lap 325: Edwards takes the lead from Menard. Lap 333: No big wrecks yet tonight. I am quite disappointed. Lap 335: CAUTION: Car into the wall. Lap 345: RESTART: Edwards is the leader. Lap 341: Kyle Busch just got punted but SAVES it! Holy Wheelman! Lap 359: CAUTION: Reutimann into the wall, Vickers and Johnson collide with him with no where to go. Johnson to the garage with front end damage. Junior's team is behind the wall helping with repairs on the No.48. Lap 369: RESTART: Edwards still up front. Lap 375: CAUTION: Kenseth gets by Edwards just as the caution comes out. Montoya gets into Stremme who slides up into Burton who hits the wall. COMMERCIAL: I died part of my hair purple today. Lap 381: RESTART: Edwards in trouble with his ignition. Dropping to the bottom. Kenseth leads. Lap 387: Edwards keeps getting slower and slower after leading well over 100 laps of the race. Lap 389: Edwards hits pit road. Goes behind the wall. First RFR car to not finish a race this season. Lap 400: 100 to go. Kenseth still leads with Gordon close behind. 99 to go: Cousin Carl is out of the race. COMMERCIAL: Shocker... 86 to go: Johnson back on track. 63 laps to go: Kenseth is still leading. 60 laps to go: CAUTION: Debris. PIT ROAD: Who will hit pit road and who will gamble and stay out. That is the big question. Lap 448: RESTART: CAUTION!!!!! THERE IS THE BIG ONE! RED FLAG: Turex Jr, Harvick, Hamlin, Keselowski, Newman, Stremme and Schrader get the most of it. Others with slight damage. PIT ROAD: Who will hit pit road this time? Earnhardt Jr is one of them. 47 to go: Kenseth leading with Montoya and Bowyer behind. 41 to go: Kasey Kahne is running third. He won here in the Spring. 35 to go: Can Montoya get his first oval win? 30 laps to go: Kahne is catching Montoya...who is catching Kenseth. 19 laps to go. Kahne got around Montoya and is closing in on Kenseth. 16 to go: Vickers and Ambrose battle hard and touch as they race for 9th. 14 to go: Kenseth gets caught behind traffic and Kahne gets around him...BUT WAIT! Kenseth gets back around and takes the lead back! 11 to go: Kahne and Kenseth touch! Keep it off the wall. 5 to go: Kenseth still leads. Kahne on his tale. CHECKERS: Kahne couldn't close the deal. Kenseth takes the checkers for his 5th win of the season. Post-Race: Kenseth has officially clinched himself a spot in the Chase along with Jimmie Johnson. Montoya, Vickers, Gordon and Junior all in the top 10. The No.20 team had to push the car to VL. Kenseth giving props to Kahne for being a great racer. Kahne wanted to race him clean and NOT wreck for the win. That's why I cheer for him. Bowyer also into the Chase via points. Well...thanks for joining me tonight! Gotta love BRISTOL BABY!!! Until Next Time :) Katie Hey Guys!
So, this week, I have a special guest joining me for the race at Michigan. My very good friend, Kristina Majors! So, if you can actually decipher some of the stuff we are saying below, I have a feeling you will enjoy this weeks' edition of my sarcastic yet informational Lap-By-Lap breakdown! Pre-Race: KC: Michigan: One of the few tracks that has a vengeance for Jimmie Johnson. KM: I will bet you Jimmie will put the “backup car” up front in no time KM: Aging track? How do we know when it’s aged perfectly like fine wine? KC: Maybe they should ask their in-house wine expert? Danica, where are you?! KC: Commercials brought to you by a college student frantically packing boxes. KM: Frantically packing at 200+ MPH? KC: I’m slowly gaining speed! KM: Michigan born & bred...hope BRAD K gets a top 5 KM: Last day for Mike Lingerfelt, front tire changer for Stenhouse Jr on the 17. He’s heading to Edwards car for Chase prep....Sadness has taken over my heart. KC: Something I didn’t know... :( KC: I hate to say this but I agree with Nicole. I’m writing off Gordon for the Chase. KM: Margin for error? I would think at this point there is no room for error. Crunching numbers, speeds, fuel mileage etc. The chase is about to be on, one more week of FUN, it will be BRISTOL Baby next weekend, see ya there!! KC: Bristol Night Race: The race of endless excitement and anger. KM: I will be there but not for a repeat of last year, they better get smart & let Danica race without incident! KC: Too bad Tony won’t be helmet throw :( KM: Hopefully no EPIC finger pointing, I remember my anger of throwing my fanvision at some lame, rude race fan for negative comments! KM: Who’s your pick Katie? KC: I’ve got THE BIFF!!!! KM: Is brad confused, lost? he is wandering around lol KC: Maybe he is searching for a race the restroom! Remember the 2012 Daytona 500 red flag race between him and Junior? KM: Haha Indeed, maybe you are right! KM: Random but I think in a short amount of time we will be cheering on Kyle Larson for the chase! KC: I agree! He may only be 21 but he has some incredible talent! Can’ wait to see what his career has in store :) KM: Me either, & meeting him last weekend he is incredibly fan friendly! KC: Ok...your turn. Who is your pick Kristina!? KM: BRAD K :) KC: Marching band...this brings back some memories.... KM: For me too, clarinet :) KC: Me too! Well, not in the marching band. Color Guard! KM: Are you ready, have you dropped the red flag on packing? KC: Dropping the yellow, packing under commercial break! KM: It should be RED until the race is complete KC: In-Car Cameras: Junior, Keselowski, Biffle, Johnson, Patrick and Kahne! KM: How do we choose a camera today? Good thing I have lots of devices, Danica on the computer, Kahne on the phone, & Brad on the ipod i think i have it covered! KC: I have Danica on the iPad, Johnson on the Phone, and Kahne on the laptop! KM: “Gentlemen & One Fine Lady, Start Your Engines!!! Best yet! KC: Better than the Daytona 500 start! Pace Laps: KC: Greg Biffle is the in-race reporter. Starting in the No.16 car from 16th place. That has to be good luck right? KM: That was my thinking!!!! KC: One thing I love about listening to Danica’s radio is the pep-talk on the radio between her and Gibson and the crew. Always positive! KM: I agree it is always so positive & ensuring KM: Pretty insane to think a track vehicle would be leaving oil hanging around, isn’t their job to clean it up, not drop it here & there? KC: Maybe they are just practicing for later :) KC: I’ve got Kurt Busch in my sites for a possible win today. He has been strong all season but hasn’t been able to close the deal. Can he do it today? I think so! KM: It is very possible, starting up front but he has to be careful of the rugged racing ahead! KM: HERE WE GO, Pace car left hand turn...WE are green KC: Lap 1: CAUTION! Bowyer spins early. Just lost the rear of the car. No contact. 3 wide early in. KM: Oh no not baby blue eyes, maybe a little too much 5 hour energy in the tank today! KM: RANDOM: Is your computer keyboard green? KC: ...maybe :) KM: roof flap apparatus...sounds pretty in depth huh? KC: I feel like I should know what that means... KC: here are a lot of apparatuses on the car...actually, I think the entire car should be called an apparatus. “And the apparatus goes 3-wide” Ok...never mind. KM: Fast & Fiscal KC: Close call for Junior there. Just missed Bowyer. KM: EARLY strategy play by Chad K, Jimmie on pit road for a fuel top off :) Might want to keep Jimmie in your sights as well! KC: Already starting from the back. Pit strategy will pay off big time. KM: Lap 7: Junior & Keslelowski 5 & 6 KC: Lap 8: CAUTION! Reuttiman spins and hits the wall. Surprised? Got out of the groove. NOT A GOOD IDEA! KM: Is that a BURGER KING car I spy in the wall? Sure is...Dancing with the Devil early(the wall) KC: Under Caution: Many teams hit pit road to top off with fuel. Early Pit Strategy. KM: WHY the commercials when we want to see the run off pit road? KC: With two cautions in less than 10 laps, I have a feeling this will be a long race... KM: The longer the race the more sarcasm, the more FUN involved! KC: Lap 12: Restart: Logano leads from the point. (I was just about to say the same) KC: Lap 13: CAUTION! JJ Yeley and Austin Dillon. KM: More laps under yellow than green? What do you think? KC: This will end up being a long race. Need to get some green flag laps in! Good for fuel strategy though. KC: Seeing how well Dillon comes back from this will be a huge testament to his future Cup career. But this pit road penalty doesn’t help with that. KM: doesn’t look like too much damage, but trying to race the pace car down pit road not too wise! Restart from the back for Dillon! KC: Someone is trying to be like Smoke...BUT THERE IS ONLY ONE! If there were two Tony’s in NASCAR...the world wouldn’t be able to handle it. KM: LOVE Biffs helmet:) KM: Lap 18: RESTART: Logano with the lead again. Kurt Busch right on his tail! KM: Lap 19: Busch and Logano battling HARD for the lead. Junior sneaking up behind them. KM: Danica sneaking up on Stenhouse Jr’s rear..... KC: I will refrain from the dirty joke that just popped into my head. KM: it is safer if you do. KM: Dale Jr, on the move during lap his gloves! Can someone get me a pair? KM: Lap 21: Lot’s of 3 and 4 wide battles for positions early in the race. Look for that to intensify once the groove widens! KC: Lap 24: Johnson on the move in Michigan. P17 after starting 43rd. Hendrick Motorsports was dominate here in June. Could one of them end up in Victory Lane today? KM: I think so, I never underestimate the Hendrick team! KM: David Stremme on the move lap 25, I would love to see him get a top 20 today! KM: Lap 32: 22 has some steam on the hood, but I am thinking it is just under pressure from the 78! No biggie, playing 3 wide again here comes Junior! KC: The ever quiet Junior...he attacks when no one is looking! KC: Lap 33: Kurt Busch surprises Logano and takes the lead. If I see Busch coming up on my arse I would move over too! KM: Lap 35: 22 struggling entering the corner with Kenseth close on his rear, Kenseth is on the move, racing like earlier in the season! KC: He is running the engine hard. It wouldn’t surprise me if he blew up before race end unfortunately. KM: Major air pressure change for Logano coming up, does this mean car air pressure or fuming racetrack rage pressure going for the lead? KC: Lap 38: Truex on pit road for a pit stop. Starting the green flag stops for those who didn’t pit under the cautions. KM: Truex Jr in the top 10, I am liking what I see so far, Michael Waltrip is probably pacing the pit box:) KC: Lap 41: It’s 1PM here in Nebraska and I am still in my pajamas. KM: Funny thing it is 2pm here in NC & I am still in my pajamas as well! KC: Lap 44: Junior led a lap. All is right with the world. KC: Lap 45: Started in the leading the pack. JIMMIE JOHNSON! KM: Wow 11.9 pit stop for junior & a 13.9 for Brad K wow #2 team needs some extra speed training this week! KM: Lap 47: Right sides for Jimmie Johnson! 7 second stop for the 48 team! Bet he feels good after getting that bonus point for leading a lap, at least he knows pit road speed even when he is in a hurry! KM: Lap 48: Bayne getting a lead lap in as well in the Woods Brothers #21, great to see for such a talented kid! KC: Lap 49: With all of these off cycle pit strategies, we will see a lot of different lead changes during this race. KC: Lap 50: YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE LONELY, AT FARMERS ONLY DOT COM! KC: Lap 51: Brandon telling Patrick to follow Junior around the track while she is behind him...good idea! KM: Everything Brandon usually says is a good idea! He is such a PERFECT fit for Danica! We are lucky to have such a great spotter like him on board the 10 team! KM: What is going on with the 48 machine? Jamie Little getting the 411:) KC: Lap 57: Johnson not up to speed. His day is done and he is too the garage. Johnson needs to make Michigan happy somehow...this track HATES Mr. 5-time! KC: Lap 61: Junior continues to lead the field. Could this be his day? Or will disaster plague HMS once again? KM: Stenhouse Jr just passed Montoya for 10th, Tim Dugger must have been truthful about his gut feeling when he said he has had good feelings about this race for Stenhouse Jr. KC: Stenhouse has definitely earned his Rookie of the Year points! KM: No doubt, I am still sad about Lingerfelt leaving the 17 car! KM: Lap 65: Junior in the lead followed by Bad Brad! Where do things go from here? GREEN all the way I hope:) KM: Kasey Kahne is welcomed to the Pepsi Max family, how awesome he helped design his paint scheme for todays race! KM: Lap 72: Stenhouse Jr hit the wall in turn two, Lingerfelt is working fast to get that right flat front changed out! Great work by the 17 team! Plenty of time to pick up the lost ground! KM: Danica tight off center, but getting beat on entry so will work on that first...looking good out there today and sounding pretty confident. KC: COMMERCIAL: This break being brought to you by the laundry basket sitting on my bed. Time to fold! KM: folding, folding, folding oh how I hate laundry!!! KM: Biffle: car is feeling pretty good, little bit of work cut out for him, working his way through the pack! 16 in the 16th place!! KM: Lap 76: Hamlin to the lead, Junior got pinned down on the inside, slipping back to 7th KC: Bonus points for Hamlin. Although I am fairly certain his Chase chances are over. KM: Lap 77: Busch looking for the lead on Hamlin, oh & I think he found it, wish I had the Busch blood when it comes to competition. It is pretty fierce! KM: Lap 79: Brad K out of nowhere up to 2nd...Blue Deuce is a snake in the grass & on the move! KM: Lap 80: Logano back on the move to 3rd this could be a Penske kind of day? Any thoughts Katie? KC: Penske, Hendrick and Kurt Busch! KM: Looks good seeing Edwards up to 4th, I am wishing him LUCK as Lingerfelt moves to his team next week! He will have a heck of a front tire changer on board! KC: Lap 85: Pit stop for Katie! I NEED LUNCH! KC: Lap 90: Johnson is done for the day...yet his points lead is still untouchable. KC: Lap 92: Hamlin hits pit road as green flag stops start once again. KM: Lap 96:Hope BIFF can remain HOT during this race & climb in points he currently sits 9th! KM: COMMERCIAL: meeting times, lunchtimes, & conference times, but we would rather be making tee let’s play all day PURE MICHIGAN, Golf that is, lets play golf the courses look amazing!! KC: GoDaddy...I don’t know if I would trust Danica behind the wheel of a plane, Keep her in the car! KM: It would be pretty sweet at least we would get a n electric fast take off & a smooth landing, but I will pass on the sky waitress! KC: Let’s make Ricky the Sky Waiter :) KM: Pretty sweet will he wear his Tony Lama’s & his hat? That is the only way i can accept him! pure country! KC: Lap 103: Nicole Briscoe, I want your job :) KM: Indeed you could handle it! Just don't forget me! Little ol me! KC: Lap 104: Kurt Busch still in the lead. I don’t know why this small team decided to sign him but I am pretty sure it was the best decision they have ever made. KM: Junior hanging around of course he can hang around its Junior, living the dream! Pepto moment in the Hendrick pit, guys I think everything will be okay, please don’t drink the pink chalk! KC: Lap 105: CAUTION! Debris. Mark Martin gets caught on pit road. At least this time it isn’t literally. KM: BIFFLE first off of pit road +8 positions, he is in doubt rolling HOT today with the chase in sight! KC: Danica’s car is missing 3rd gear. Won’t stick. Could this lead to issues with the race a little past halfway? KM: Danica is tearing teeth off the gears, she is having the NEED for SPEED! KC: Enough with the Bristol and Richmond talk... I AM READY FOR KANSAS!!!!! :) KM: No fair I want to be in Kansas, but I will be in Richmond & Bristol what are you trying to say? Is it because you will be 21? KC: Maybe :) KC: Lap 110: RESTART! Kyle Busch and Biffle take the green. Biffle takes the lead! KM: Bowyer cracking the top 5 on lap 112 after a spin on the first lap! Baby Blue Eyes is on the move once again! KM: Lap 114: Danica fighting hard with Mcmurray for the LUCKY DOG spot! KM: I’m ready for this race to tighten back up, I don’t like things when they get all spread out:( KC: Need a caution! :) KM: my water bottle won't reach the track...dang it KC: Need to work on those arm muscles :) KM: I know but NC to Michigan it is going to take some super muscles, you think wonder woman would help me if I gave her a call? KC: Never hurts to try! KC: Lap 124: Danica running in the low 20s but her lap times are consistent with top-10 times. KC: Lap 127: This lap is brought to you by Jimmie Johnson on Twitter #BlameJJ KM: Really crazy to watch the replay of the 31 tire hitting a crew member in the knee, I am glad he is ok, but no joking around they think the hit in the bumper helped Burton out lol! Crewman just upset it slowed down the pit time! That is pure dedication right there! KM: Lap 130: Harvick passes Busch, that is what I am talking about, Harvick digging hard! LOVE it! KC: Lap 136: CAUTION: Debris on track. Junior blew a tire and into the wall. Danica Patrick is the Lucky Dog. KM: NO not Dale:( Tire down! I think these Good Year’s need to be built temperature tough! 1000+ degrees Dale to the garage = NO KM: Brandon to Danica “you can pass the pace car!” you know that felt good!!! she has driven her hiney off for this spot, will pit next time by! KC: Pit Stops: Under caution, most teams his pit road. Junior takes the car to the garage. Danica starting from the rear thanks to the Lucky Dog. Danica worried about a brake vibration. Teams should have one more stop left before the end of the race. Could more pit strategy be on the way? KC: The tire that came off of Junior’s car looks like it went through hell and back...then tried it again. KM: No doubt, crash carts in place, you know in EMS when we go to the Emergency Room they have crash carts too, haha funny except those save lives not cars? KC: Lap 140: RESTART: Penske cars on the front row. Logano takes the lead. Lots of beating and banging on the restart. WILL THEY MAKE IT?! Keselowski shuffled back to 7th on the restart after starting 2nd. KM: Bumper cams pretty sweet a whole new perspective to the term “rear view” KC: Lap 146: Busch Brothers nose to tail! This could get interesting... KC: Lap 148: Patrick and Kahne both saying turn 3 is slippery. Could something be on the track? KC: Lap 149: CAUTION: Labonte spinning through the grass. Yellow #7. Will anyone hit pit road? KM: Good thing that Kingsford isn’t instalight or we would have had a heck of a grass fire a few seconds ago! Flaps definitely played their part well during that spin to the grass! KM: When Keselowski rolls the dice does he always roll a 2? KC: Such a question that can only be answered by the man himself... :) KC: Pit Road: Keselowski, Kyle Busch, and others hit pit road for some interesting pit strategy. Will it pay off? That’s the big question! KM: Commercial: For every START, an untimely FINISH :) For every Twist there is a TURN! Who’s turn will it be to celebrate in VL today? KC: Soda Cookies...I can’t even fathom trying that...Oh Tony, how we miss you :) KM: Hang tight SMOKE will RISE :) KM: Lap 153: RESTART: Harvick up front hanging out with Logano...what will happen? KC: 47 to go: Kenseth gets loose! Loses track position. KC: 45 to go: Ricky Stenhouse Jr is in the Lucky Dog position after hitting the wall many laps ago. KM: We need a caution, need to see Stenhouse JR on the LEAD lap! he had such a great day ahead of him! KC: 44 to go: CAUTION: Kyle Busch spins and hits the wall. Looks like his rear end may need a lift. Busch just BARELY missed Labonte, McMurray, Stenhouse and others. KC: Pit Stops: Lots of cars hit pit road. Should be the last pit stop for most of the field. The big question is going to be fuel. With 40 laps to go, will they have enough!? KC: ”He is so f*ckin spastic man, the 21, I hope he stays behind me” Dang Danica! KM: Love how she tells it how it is... KM: Danica states she is slamming in the back & hopes everything is okay. KM: RESTART: Fanning out. Keselowski taking the front with Mark Martin. 4-wide into Turn-1 KC: 36 laps to go: Even after hitting the wall, Stenhouse is now ahead of his significant other. KC: 35 to go: David Gilliland blows a motor, makes it to the apron, race stays green. KC: 33 to go: Happy Harvick isn’t so happy...he can’t get around Almirola! KM: 31 laps to go: BRAD IN THE LEAD!!! If my pick wins, Katie owes me a new Danica Tshirt :) KC: Did I agree to this? haha KC: 27 to go: CAUTION: Kyle Busch spinning...and we are still in commercial break. KC: “that 17 has a sh*tload of damage so when you get up to his you should be able to get by him.” Gibson...that’s her MAN!!! KM: EASY Gibson, easy! KC: Pit Stops: Brad Keselowski pits from the lead for fuel. Edwards and others follow him as well. KC: Brandon (Danica's spotter) just called Hamlin a slug... what? KM: LMAO, slow maybe, wait thats a snail SLUG- slimy mollusk having no shell, or better yet there are so many definitions, one is dealing with the amount of liquor you swallow in one gulp thats the redneck edition! KC: 23 to go: RESTART: Martin and Harvick take the green but Logano takes it three wide! Martin with the lead. KC: 21 to go: I hate when the radio cuts out just as a driver starts dropping some nasty...ruins the fun! KM: CAN we get a CAUTION????? PLEASE? looking like Martin is about 3 miles short! KM: Laps are trickling down FAST, everyone in search of CLEAN AIR, heck we don’t even breathe clean air! KC: 16 to go: Will Martin have enough gas? Seeing the No55 in VL with 2 different drivers this season would be awesome! KM: Ironically enough random fact of today’s race the 17 is pitting in pit stall #10 today in his case it should have been LUCKY! KM: 14 to go: Danica just ran her fastest lap of the race! KC: 13 laps to go: I haven’t gotten much packing done during this race...whoops. KM: I knew that was going to happen:) KM: 10 laps to go: The question remains, who will have enough gas to pass the line? KC: 7 laps to go: Who will be the first to run out of gas? Does Martin have enough? KM: Martin is about 3 laps shy according to calculations, but I am saying the win will be Logano:) KC: 4 laps to go: Martin runs out of gas. Logano takes the lead. KM: It would stink to be this close & run out what a heartbreaker! KM: Will Logano win? Is he a Chase contender? KC: FINAL LAP: Logano hangs on. Checkers in sight! KC: Joey Logano becomes the first Penske car this season to see Victory Lane. KM: 14th for the 14, way to bring the 14 home after such a tough start to the day Dillon! Pole winner to VL, sweet! heck of a burn out! Car is smoked up inside! KM: Time to wrap up the top 10: Logano, Harvick, Kurt Busch, Menard, Bowyer, Ambrose, Kahne, Burton, Biffle, followed by Edwards! KM: How awesome this is Roger Penske’s home track! Congratulations on the win! KC: Logano, sponsored by Shell and Pennzoil takes the No.22 to the Shell and Pennzoil Victory Lane! BIG THANKS TO KRISTINA MAJORS FOR JOINING ME THIS WEEKEND FOR THE RACE AT MICHIGAN! Until Next Time Guys!!!! Pre-Race: Angie Johnson, from The Voice, belts out one hell of a National Anthem. One of the best this season.
Pretty excited to see that one of the free in-car camera's today is in Danica's car. WE GOT THE STENICA KISS ON LIVE TV!!!!!! Hoping for some nice foot camera action today. Everyone is pegging Marcos Ambrose as the race winner. Don't jinx him! Got a suspension and foot camera on Danica's car today. Should hear multiple voices on the radios today. Some unfamiliar voices taking over some spotter duties. Great seeing such a big crowd at Watkins Glen! GREEN FLAG! Lap 1: Will they make it through turn one? YES! Lap 2: Ambrose is already showing his dominance. Lap 3: This race is 90 laps. Only 8 laps longer than the Nationwide race yesterday. Lap 4: Hard racing between teammates Johnson and Kahne! Lap 5: Commercial break....already. Danica comes on the radio saying something about a blown tire. Possibly the 33? Lap 6: CAUTION!!!! Commercial break. 83 stopped on the track. Lap 7: Came back from commercial for back to commercial. Danica is running right behind Stenhouse...she should give him a "love tap" under caution. Lap 8: GREEN FLAG: Ambrose still leads. Lap 9: I really just want to see more of Boris Said....and his head. Lap 10: Nothing exciting to report here. Lap 12: Danica's suspension and break camera shows just how how the breaks get. They are RED HOT. Lap 13: Gilliland hits the wall and has to make an unscheduled pit stop. Race stays green. Lap 14: Keselowski goes for a spin but saves it. No Caution. Gordon wrecks and hits the wall. Needs a tow. Caution out. Lap 15: Teams hit pit road. Gordon took a hard hit to the wall. The guy waving for the wrecker looks like he is doing aerobics. Lots of fluid on the track and a single file line around the wreck. Lots of cars went through Gordon's debris but any damage to their cars? Lap 16: Harvick, Keselowski, Patrick, Stenhouse among others on pit road. Was able to see a pit stop from underneath the car thanks to the suspension and break camera. Lap 16: "You don't have to be lonely, at" #CommercialBreak Lap 17: By this time next week, I will be back at school. HALLELUJAH!!!! Lap 17: Gordon said the guard rails are nice and soft...maybe that's why he wanted to hug it! Lap 19: RESTART: Ambrose still leads...shocker! Lap 20: More Tony Stewart love on TV. Should be released from the hospital soon. Lap 21: Boris Said and Keselowski make some contact! All good. Lap 22: 43 is attempting to get around the 10. She gets loose. Lap 23: I may need to be making a green flag pit stop here...oh never mind, commercial break. Lap 25: Time to get food. Nothing exciting happening here. Lap 27: Ambrose still leads. Green flag stops starting with Allmendinger. Lap 29: Edwards looks weird driving a red car. Ambrose gives up the lead to hit pit road. Lap 31: Brian Keselowski spins...not that this is really a shocker. No caution. Lap 32: The leader board is all effed up during these staggered pit stops. Lap 33: SHOCKER! Commercial. Lap 34: The dog thinks I am going to share my sandwich with him....nope. CAUTION! 35 of McDowell broke a trackbar. Lap 35: I broke down and gave the dog the end of my sandwich. Nice stop by Patrick. Lap 36: I have a meeting at work tonight...They better feed us. Pit stop trash talking on Danica's radio. Pretty entertaining! Lap 37: Gordon is coming back in to the race. Missing his nose. I wonder how that smells? Lap 39: RESTART: Harvick P1 but Ambrose is right beside him. Ambrose takes the lead. Lap 40: Kvapil and Fellows wreck. Gonzalez, Drisse, Cassill, all involved. RED FLAG: Too much debris on track. ~Awaiting tweet from Kvapil blaming Danica for taking him out. ~Still haven't figured out how many spotters Danica has. 2? 3? ~My sunburn from last week is finally peeling. TMI? ~Just tried to pronounce Ambrose's CC's last name...that's not happening. ~There are guys giving the drivers bottles of better be Dasani. ~According to the SHR Twitter page, there are only 2 drivers in the field with college degrees. ~Danica can tell its a beautiful day out because she isn't roasting. If you want an interesting conversation under a red flag, I strongly suggest Danica's radio. They talk about the strangest things. ~The two drivers with college degrees are both behind the wheel for SHR. Newman with an engineering degree and Papis wit a Political Science degree. ~Mid-Race shout out to my girl Kristina! Check us both out next week as we combine our sarcastic brilliance for a lap-by-lap experience that you won't want to miss! ~Brandon (10 spotter) is apparently scratchy. He may need to get that checked out. #NotHealthy ~This red flag gives me the chance to do a few situps...1-2-3...ok, I'm done. ~The amount of speedy-dry on the track makes it look like a sand pit. CAUTION: Apparently the speedy-dry is now called kitty litter. Danica lines up behind Stenhouse. Lap 43: Restart: Ambrose leads and takes off. Papis off pace. Lap 44: Johnson is nothing but frustrated because he can't seem to pass. Papis spun on the restart. Lap 46: I should have taken a nap during the red flag: Lap 47: Patrick reporting that the tire pressure is down. Stays on track. Lap 51: Harvick makes his 2nd pit stop. First was lap 16. Can he make it the rest of the way? Lap 52: McMurray just took his hands off the wheel.....DON'T DO THAT!!!! Lap 55: Kyle Busch sure likes his grass... literally. It's all over his grille. Lap 56: Fellows back on track but starts smoking. Isn't this a no-smoking facility? Someone needs to remind him of that. Lap 58: Logano hits pit road to kick off green flag stops. Lap 60: Allmendinger slows and runs out of gas. Almirola spins into the tire barrier. Many drivers stuck on pit road. Caution is out. Lap 62: My sarcasm is sorely lacking today. Lap 64: Restart: Kyle Busch with the lead. 26 to go: Busch and Truex battle hard for first. Lot's of contact between the two. 24 to go: Boris Said gets turned around and backs into the tire barrier. No Caution. 22 to go: Truex's CC sounds squeaky on the radio. 19 to go: Danica trying hard to pass Newman. "I'm trying, but I'm just not fast enough." 18 to go: Burton spins, keeps it off the wall. 14 to go: Busch still leads. Has enough to get to the end but not enough for a GWC. 13 to go: CAUTION! and its commercial. Kvapil back on track and loses a tire. 11 to go: One heck of a pep-talk on the 10 radio. 10 to go: Restart: CHAOS!!!! Kahne, Earnhardt, Burton, Kenseth and others involved. Major props to the spotters on the 10 radio to get Danica through that without a scratch. And props to the other spotters as well. 9 to go: Seeing Kasey Kahne sad makes me sad #ThoseEyes 6 to go: Restart: Busch and Keselowski lead the field. Busch keeps P1. 6 to go: CAUTION! Same place as last wreck, through the S's. Ambrose's day is done. Vickers also involved. 5 to go: Still under caution, will Busch have enough fuel for the end? 4 to go: Someone is baking a cake... 3 to go: I'm blaming Amborse's wreck on everyone picking him to win. JINX! 2 to go: Restart! Busch P1 with Keselowski to his outside. White Flag: Can Keselowski catch Busch? Checkered Flag: Busch takes the checkers. Tony Gibson promises all of Danica's spotters a 6 pack of beer. This is Busch's third win this season. Well...that was the last road course race of the season...except for the Nationwide Series race at Mid-Ohio next weekend. Tune In! Be sure to check back next week for a double dose of sarcastic lap by lap coverage when I team up with Kristina Majors! You won't want to miss it :) Until next time! |
Katie Copple
Aspiring NASCAR broadcaster and journalist. Archives
February 2014